About Us
Troop 2 is a boy led boy scout troop that meets on Monday evenings from 7:00pm till 8:30pm throughout the year in full uniform at St. John's Lutheran Church, our charter organization. The church is located at 101 N. Spring Street in downtown Elgin.
During the summer months (June, July, August) we change our venue and meet at the lower shelter at Tyler Creek Forest Preserve. The meeting times also change from 6:30 till 8:00pm. These meetings are a little less formal as uniforms are not required and we always participate in some type of outdoor adventure. Tyler Creek is also the place where many of the Scouts have selected to do their eagle projects to improve the community.
Meeting activities planned by the Scouts themselves include learning and practicing Scouting skills, planning trips and special activities, working on merit badges or other projects of interest to the Scouts, fun and games.
Troop 2 has a year-round outings program, with an overnight outing (Friday to Sunday) every month planned by the Scouts themselves. Check out our Events page and Calendar for the detailed list of campouts planned for each month. Because of our active camping program, we offer Scouts the opportunity to participate in seasonal sports without feeling left out of the Scouting program.
Each year Troop 2 scouts attend summer camp where boys have the chance to earn merit badges and have lots of fun. The adventures are truly endless. For the last several years we have been going to Camp Phillips in Haugen Wisconsin.
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