Robotics Merit Badge

Post date: Feb 3, 2015 1:37:34 AM

Welcome to the Robotics merit badge information page. During this merit badge we will explore general capabilities of robots, build and program robot and hold a competition between 2 to 3 teams.


  1. Read through the BSA Robotics pamphlet located at the bottom of this announcement.

  2. Read up on the general capabilities of robots and the instructions for building a robot. Chapter 1 in the SumoBot Manual and then pages 11-24 in the StampWorks Manual will help you get started understanding the programming.

  3. Work completed at campout

    1. Req 1,2, 3 and parts of 4 (notebook pages 1,2,3,4)

      1. Req 1 add 1 more hazard

      2. Req 3 needs you to find some pictures of the different fields of robotics

    2. Final code from campout posted below, you can install the Editor software below to view and edit this code.

  4. Choose a task to complete for (notebook pages 5,6,7,8 & 9)

    1. Task can be

      1. Robot that stays inside the ring

      2. Robot the tracks and follows objects

      3. A full SumoBot

      4. Robots that follows a black line

    2. Notebook page 5 (pseudo code)

      1. Draw a flow chart of how the control program works

    3. Notebook page 6 (software code)

      1. Include the software code and comment on what each section is doing

    4. Notebook page 7 (code modifications)

      1. Note and change you can make to the code to have the robot perform better

    5. Notebook page 8 (final design)

      1. Note any change you made to the design to improve the operation of the robot or of a subsystem such and the line sensor or IR detection

    6. Notebook page 9 (potential for improvements)

      1. Make notes for any future improvements that still can be done

  5. Summarize the work above in Req 5

  6. Research online and complete Req 6b & 7

    1. First Lego League

    2. Vex Robotics

    3. NASA Robotics competitions

Robotics merit badge resources

  1. Robotics MB book (see link below)

  2. SumoBot Manual

  3. Applied Robotics with the SumoBot Text

  4. BASIC Stamp Editor Software

  5. BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual

  6. StampWorks Manual

First Competition